Thursday, September 16, 2010


Information and communication technologies (ICT) has indeed changed the landscape of countries- in the areas of environment, economic and even socially. Through the lesson, I have come to realise the vast impact of ICT and how effective its role is in our society. It is definitely a key element of infrastructure in many areas of an economy, such as the increasing a company’s competitiveness and network. It then goes on to how people are able to acquire the vital data which they would be able to utilise such information and applying them as knowledge eventually spurs the company’s competiveness in the market. This is a small area of how ICT can impact the economy and the list goes on.

One of the things I have learnt through the lesson is “cloud computing”. Cloud computing is an Internet-based technology through which information is stored in servers and provided as an on-demand service to clients. Cloud computing is interesting because it serves as a very convenient and advantageous technology for all to utilise because it is easily accessible as long as one has internet connection. As seen in the EU countries, the impact of cloud computing is obvious, with its increases in GDP and positive economic impacts with increases in job creations, framework and in the competitive conditions in the goods markets that create the conditions for rapid business creation. However, the impact of cloud computing too, has to depend on the rate in which countries and companies decide to undertake such technology.

Also, one of the other things I have learnt is how ICT can impact environmental sustainability. Having always thought that both technology and environmentalism are vastly different aspects, I have learnt how technology can improve environmental sustainability. From assessing emission levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other toxic substances and measuring success rates to telling us where we stand and what is the ideal state to be in, technology helps us step into a safer tomorrow. There is indeed, much to what companies can take action to do, to help preserve Mother Earth.

The key takeaways of today’s lesson were mainly on the pervasiveness of technology and the broad scope of impact it has on societies. And that only if countries were to undertake it within their fastest possible means, such technology would be deemed as redundant. The fact is, that technology would never cease advancing and changing and we need to keep up with it, we need to have the right policies in place that keeps and spurs companies into keeping up with the advancements and change when there is a need to.

Stuff that I hoped had a little more airtime is that of cloud computing. About how the effects of cloud computing was and what it was in a little more detail because I didn’t exactly understand how it worked then!

Overall, I felt the lesson was an enriching one, as it reminded me not only on the effects of what technology can help our society but also increasing my knowledge overall. I’d rate it a 8 out of 10.

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